About Oncozac® & Yunzhi
The key medicinal properties of Yunzhi extracts, on the other hand, are more focused on serious illness-related properties and include the activation of immune cells, boosting human immunity, and inhibiting abnormal cell proliferation, making Yunzhi a more suitable ingredient for the adjuvant therapy for patients with serious illness or in need of strengthening the immune system.
Meeting the highest standard, the production plant in Nanning has obtained Good Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practices GMP and Australian Quality Administration TGA production quality management certification. The active ingredient ONCO-Z®* was first certified by the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) in 2009, marking the world's first Chinese medicine ingredient and only Yunzhi to obtain this world-class certification and standard*.
*ONCO-Z®, the only ingredient of Oncozac® medicinal Yunzhi, is the first Chinese medicine ingredient and only Yunzhi certified by the US Pharmacopoeia Commission as a dietary supplement ingredient.
* As of November 2021
When in doubt, you are strongly advised to consult your physician, contact our specialist with your enquiries.
Oncozac® meta-analysis has provided strong evidence that Yunzhi would have the survival benefit in patients suffering from serious illness.
(1) Chemotherapy: Serve as a chemotherapy protector. It was observed that Yunzhi extracts increased the hematological recovery of chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression8. Another research suggested that it relieves oxidative stress on serious illness patients9.
(2) Radiotherapy: Use as a normal tissue radioprotector and tumor radiosensitizer. Yunzhi extracts can potentially increase survival rates19, decreased risk of distant metastases6,20.
>(3) Surgery: Use as a post-surgical immunosuppression inhibitor. Oncozac® may improve the prognosis of patients with serious illnesses undergoing radical surgery by inhibiting immunosuppression secondary to surgical stress22.
For women during her period, while it is not advisable to consume Yunzhi, women may still take Yunzhi based on their situation or needs.
Please note, however, every patient is different. Medical advice can only be offered on a case-by-case basis. If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to consult a Chinese medicine practitioner for advice.
Reducing the dosage may reduce Yunzhi’s immunity-boosting effect. You may refer to the prescription, technology, and dosage of similar products to measure and evaluate their efficacy.
Doxorubicin: May increase clinical efficacy and survival, slow the spread of abnormal cells, increase appetite, better symptomatic relief, etc.
Paclitaxel: May increase efficacy and quality of life, reduction in tumour cell markers and invasive cell factors, etc.
Capecitabine: May improve disease progression, survival, and quality of life, increase in efficacy, quality of life, survival, and reduce the spread of abnormal cells, etc.
Docetaxel: May increase tumour inhibition, apoptosis,reduce the spread of abnormal cells, enhance anti-tumour effect, etc.
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